spend cost take paid 区别?
take(took) 、spend(spent)、cost (cost )、 pay(paid)都是“花费”之意。
其中spend、 pay要以人作主语,take 、cost 以物作主语。
(1)spend:花费金钱或时间。多用句型:spend sth (in)doing or spend sth on sth
如:she spends 400 dollars in fixing her house .
如:I spent150 yuan on the shirt.
I spent 150 yuan buying the shirt.
(2)pay:pay:人作主语 *** pay some money for sth
例如:I paid 150 yuan for the shirt.
到此,以上就是小编对于trust wallet提现的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍的1点解答对大家有用。